A March for All: Selma's Voting Rights Movement
Written by Selma to Montgomery NHT Park Ranger Theresa L. Hall, A March for All: Selma’s Voting Rights Movement shows the conviction and perseverance of protesters who participated in non-violent marches from Selma, Alabama, to state capitol Montgomery in protest of racially motivated disenfrachisement in the 1960s. Taking you beyond the headlines and inside the protesting that drew national attention with the events of Bloody Sunday and the arrival of MLK, this book depicts one of the most significant civil rights events in America with news footage, photography, and witness accounts.
Product Details
- The 54 mile Selma to Montgomery road is a National Historic Trail
- Published by Eastern National
- Softcover; 32 pages; 6’ x 9’
- Profits support the National Park Service
- Printed in the USA